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Monday, March 24, 2014

Suitable Locations for a Bio-Tech Industrial Park

You are a GIS Specialist working for the City of Brockton Planning Department. The mayor wants to stimulate the local economy by creating a new industrial park for Bio-Tech industry based on 3 criteria:

1. The parcel has to be at least 10 acres in area
2. The parcel has to be at least 50 feet from any wetland or water body
3. The parcel has to be already industrial or commercial zoned to avoid a contentious rezoning process

Suitable Parcels
Parcel Number
Area (Acres)
Primary Use
General Business
General Business
Light Industrial
General Business
General Business
General Business
General Business
General Business
Office Park
General Industrial
General Business
Light Industrial
Light Industrial

Hospitals in Brockton
Hospital Name
Children’s Hospital Physicians
830 Oak St
Good Samaritan Medical Center
235 N Pearl St
Park Surgical Associates Inc
1 Pearl St #2700
Ent Specialists Inc
35 Pearl St #200
Southeastern Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
951 N Main St
Signature Healthcare
1300 Belmont St
Signature Medical Group
110 Liberty St
Ace Surgical Supply Inc
1034 Pearl St
VA Boston Healthcare System
940 Belmont St
Champion Rehabilitation and Health Center
2 Beaumont Ave
Brockton Area Multi Services Inc
330 Crescent St
Signature Healthcare Brockton Hospital
680 Centre St
Signature Medical Group
178 Quincy St
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
63 Main St
Northeast Health Services
231 Main St #300

Colleges/ Universities in Brockton
Colleges/Universities Name
Massasoit Community College
1 Massasoit Blvd
Brockton Hospital School of Nursing
680 Centre St
La Baron Hairdressing Academy-Brockton
240 Liberty St
Ailando School of Cosmetology
541 West St
Computer-ed Institute- Brockton
375 Westgate Dr


Based on the criteria that the parcel had to be at least 10 acres in area, 50 feet from any wetland or water body, and had to already be industrial or commercial zoned, there are 13 suitable parcels in Brockton, Massachusetts. As a regional planner, there are many factors to consider when deciding which parcel would be the most suitable for a new industrial park. For the area of Brockton, parcels 1, 2, 3, and 10 would be the least suitable. One negative feature about these parcels is that they are isolated from other important companies and industries that would increase the success of a Bio-Tech industry. Another negative feature is that out of the 13 suitable parcels, these locations are among the smallest acreage. Bio-Tech industries would be most beneficial in areas that it had a lot of acreage to expand, and these four parcels would not be of value for expansion. Finally, many of these parcels are already occupied by established businesses. Parcel 1 is currently occupied by Skyview Village, a condominium community; parcel 2 is occupied by Kmart; parcel 3 is occupied by Concord Foods, Gallant Moving and Storage Company, Concord Electric Supply Ltd, and other small businesses; and parcel 10 is occupied by National Grid, electric and gas company. Parcels 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 13 would be suitable locations for a Bio-Tech industrial park; however, these parcels are already occupied by well-known, successful businesses in which the community already depends on. Parcel 6 is currently occupied by a Home Depot plaza; parcel 7 is occupied by Brockton East Shopping Plaza; parcel 8 is occupied by Brockton East Shopping Center; parcel 9 is occupied by Signature Health Care Brockton Hospital; parcel 11 is occupied by the Westgate Mall; and parcel 13 is occupied by Northeast Electrical Distribution. Developing an industrial park at these locations would be difficult trying to buy the land from these well-established businesses, which are essential for the communities’ needs. The second best location in Brockton for the Bio-Tech industrial park would be parcels 4 and 5. Although these parcels wouldn’t be considered the best locations, they would be able to sustain a Bio-Tech industrial park. These two parcels are in a decent location, would provide significant amount of space, and are not currently occupied by a necessary business. Parcels 4 and 5 are where the Brockton Fair is held. Although the fair brings entertainment to the community, it would not be considered a necessary business and would be able to be replaced without greatly altering the community economy. One of the greatest benefits of parcels 4 and 5 is that they are the largest acreage lots available out of the 13 suitable parcels. As a regional planner, parcel 12 would be the most suitable location for a Bio-Tech industrial park. Parcel 12 has many beneficial qualities that make it a perfect location. One benefit of this location is that it has one of the highest amounts of acreage, with 17.75 acres of available land. This large amount of space would allow the construction needed to build an industrial park, as well as provide extra space for growth and expansion. Another benefit is that this parcel appears to be vacant. Having a vacant building would be easier for the town to buy, rather than trying to buy land that is already occupied by another business. A third benefit is the surrounding businesses that are around this parcel. One business is the Westgate Mall, which benefits the business trafficking of this area, bringing in many local and non-local community members. Another business is the Computer-ed Institute of Brockton. Colleges are very important for Bio-Tech industries, because it provides experienced employees as well as potential interns. A Bio-Tech industry would benefit from Computer-ed students because bio-tech businesses need computer specialized professionals for many different positions. The most important businesses that are located near parcel 12 are Ent Specialists Inc, Park Surgical Associates Inc, Children’s Hospital Physicians, and Good Samaritan Medical Center.  These medical specialists and hospitals would both benefit and benefit from a Bio-Tech industry nearby. Bio-Tech industries need the support from hospitals and patience for various research purposes, and local hospitals also benefit from Bio-Tech industries because they receive various newly researched treatments and procedures. The Good Samaritan Hospital is a well-known hospital which could qualify to receive more National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding for research purposes with a nearby Bio-Tech industry. Finally, parcel 12 has a perfect physical location for a Bio-Tech Industry. The parcel is located right by main roads which make it easily accessible. It is also directly off of route 24, which provides a straight connect to the city of Boston. Boston has many well-known hospitals. In 2012, Boston hospitals received $1.78 billion of National Institutes of Health funding, which was the most funding received in the entire country. From parcel 12 in Brockton to Boston Children’s Hospital, it is only a 30 minute commute, which would greatly benefit the research of a Bio-Tech Industry. The findings of this project specifically benefit the Brockton community; however, all of the provided information could be generalized to select suitable locations for a Bio-Tech industry in any community. The most suitable location in any community would require at least 10 acres in area, preferably more; located at least 50 feet from any wetland or water body; be already industrial or commercial zoned; have surrounding industrial and commercial zones; have local colleges/universities and hospitals; be in an easily accessible location; and be vacant, or otherwise not be occupied by a well-known, established business that is essential for the community.  


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