1. Go to www.arcgis.com
2. Sign in
3. Click Map
4. Click Basemap
a) Select ‘Imagery’
5. Search for the desired location in the Find address or place bar in the upper right hand corner
6. Click Add
Select ‘Add Maps Notes’
Rename the Map under ‘Name:’
Click Create
7. Zoom into the desired building
8. Click on the Edit button
9. Click Area under the ‘Area’ section
10. Starting in one corner of the desired building, left click with the mouse.
7. Zoom into the desired building
8. Click on the Edit button
9. Click Area under the ‘Area’ section
10. Starting in one corner of the desired building, left click with the mouse.
Continue clicking the mouse to create points
around the entire building
Once the mouse is back at the starting point,
double click to finish the polygon
11. Once the Areas box appears, fill in the appropriate information:
11. Once the Areas box appears, fill in the appropriate information:
Create a title and enter it in the ‘Title’ box
If desired, write a description about the
location in the ‘Description’ box
If desired, include a picture:
Google desired image
Right click image
Select Copy
image URL
Paste the URL in the ‘Image URL’ box
Select Close
once all the information is complete
12. Zoom into the second desired building
13. Repeat steps 8-11
12. Zoom into the second desired building
13. Repeat steps 8-11
14. Zoom into the third desired building
15. Repeat steps 8-11
16. In the upper right hand corner of the page,
click Save As
Create a tile for the map and type it in the
‘Title’ box
Create Tags in the ‘Tag’ box to be able to
easily access it once published
If desired, write a brief summary about the map
Click ‘Save Map’
17. In the upper right hand corner of the page,
click Share
Check the box ‘Everyone (public)
Copy the ‘Link to this map’ link in order to
have easy access back to this map
The following is the directions of the assignment used to create this step-by-step tutorial:
- The Bridgewater State University President would like a map of the three newest buildings on campus. Digitize the three buildings and it into ArcGIS Online as a map. Share the link to your ArcGIS Online map.
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